Your Community


Welcome to your Elegrow Community, we are thrilled you are here.

In this space, we will connect, share posts, information and up coming events.

Join our conversations, comment on post and enjoy.

field with sunflowers in summer

Have you ever noticed...

  1. …after a busy day, caring for others, a feeling of restlessness, a shift in mood, fatigue, an inability to rest, thoughts from experiences in the day not going away or a sense of fogginess in your mind? 

Our minds and bodies are hard wired to keep us safe so when we are rushing, exposed to stressful events, and have no time to stop, our mind/body unconsciously initiates a fight, flight, or shut down response. 

Whilst this occurs automatically and largely unconsciously, as you begin to notice the feelings or shifts in mood or energy, you can take charge and create moments of stillness to reset.

Follow these 3 easy steps to reset and find stillness:

  1. Begin by noticing your breath as you breathe in and out naturally.
  2. Continue to breathe naturally and focus your inward breath through your nose and your outward breath through your mouth with slightly pursed lips.
  3. Extend the length of the outward breath to softly exhale for a little longer than the inward breath. You might like to count at a 3-4 counts in and 5-6 counts out to support you to slow the outward breath. Do this for 3 minutes and notice what stands out.

Enjoy taking moments of stillness, and thanks for caring.